UHLMANN early Viennese valve horn

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   A  VINTAGE  VIENNA  HORN  with an unusual design


feature:  the crook sits on the 'front' rather than on the 'back'


of the instrument.


Perhaps it dates from that period in the mid-1800s when the key

of the default valve horn crook was as yet undecided by makers and

players?  The Eb crook was praised for its tone's resemblance to

the human voice, whereas the F crook was deemed to have a

harsher sound.  

The inscription 'Leopold Uhlmann K.K. Priv' on the bell flare's broad

nickel silver garland/kranz reflects the fact that Uhlmann took out a

patent for his invention, the Vienna valve, in 1830. See photo #5.

Photo #2, a sketch presumably dating from the 2nd half of the 19th

century, by the artist Ludwig Lesker (1840-1890), could be interpreted

as showing that some 19thc horns were made with the crook 'on top';

alternatively,  perhaps the depicted crook was intended to lie 'under'

the instrument, but the player

chose to hold the horn on his left!


A strong probability is that the horn was *intended for military

use. The crook supplied with this horn is F, but the dimensions of the

shaped, inset compartment in the case's 'floor' seems designed for an E

flat rather than an F crook. *The implication that Eb was the default

crook is the main reason why several Vienna horn historians have

deduced this horn's probable military origin.


The three valve slides are slightly longer than usual, with more 'draw',

to allow for the fact that there is no main tuning slide, and for

correction of the intonation when used with an Eb crook.

The crook's mouthpiece receiver takes a conventional mouthpiece

rather than one with a later Viennese typical thick shank.

The leather-covered hard case, lacking a handle, is quite a work of art in 

itself; one can speculate that it was made by a military saddler.

The valve linkages are slightly cumbersome, but all the valves

work well, as do the tuning slides.


The horn plays beautifully, with no 'bad notes'.



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UHLMANN early Viennese valve horn