Featured Product
'JAGDHORN' / PARFORCE HORN in Eb with rotary change valve for Bb
Made by LIDL, Brno, this German-style hunting horn
has a slightly wider bore and bell throat than the more
familiar French cor-de-chasse, whose bell flare's
'triangular' profile and very narrow tubing produce the well-
known and somewhat raucous, bleating sound.
This E flat horn's single rotary valve bypasses one of
the loops, raising the harmonic series to B flat, giving
'in tune' 11th and 13th harmonics (high F and A) and a
very secure 'top C'; so, it is maybe not for the
'enthusiastic but doctrinaire' player of the traditional
outdoor hunting horn!
It comes with a surprisingly comfortable Couesnon
cor de chasse mouthpiece with an adaptor, and a
'Shuster' black fibreglass case. The mouthpiece
receiver is a sliding leadpipe extension with a screw
clamp, giving some pitch flexibility from about A 444 to
A 438.
NB: the horn is located with its owner in Burnham,
Slough, UK. Contact info can be supplied on request.
NNB: Personal collection only; this horn cannot be
couriered or shipped.
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